Pull-up Workshop | Beginner Friendly
Jan 30, 2022
It was legit SO fun "hanging" out with you all today!
I hope you left the workshop being able to
1️⃣ Identify where you are at currently with your pull-up
2️⃣Learn that it's super important to get OFF the bands as much as possible and work on Mobility, Stability & Strength Drills to get your Pull-up
3️⃣ That a pull-up is completely possible for you!
4️⃣ You need to be consistent in order to conquer it
And let's be honest...it can be super tough to go about this process alone. You can continue to look up random workouts on instagram or mess around with the pull-up here or there... OR
Join in on my 30 Day Pull-up Revolution and I will be there every step of the way to help you succeed <3
Details below! We start Feb 6th
Sign-up Pull-up Coaching Program (Starts Feb 6th):